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2017 Villa Blanche Syrah, Calmel & Joseph, Pays d 2017 Villa Blanche Syrah, Calmel & Joseph, Pays d

2017 Villa Blanche Syrah, Calmel & Joseph
14,5 pt

An exemplary 100% Syrah

Red • Languedoc-Roussillon • Pays d'Oc IGT • France • 100% Syrah • 14,5/20 Bettane & Dessauve, Médaille d'Argent Syrah du monde 2017 (dans les 36 meilleures Syrah française sur 372 échantillons)

This wine might become available again in limited quantities. Do you want to be informed when?

2017 Villa Blanche Syrah, Calmel & Joseph, Languedoc-Roussillon, France, Pays d'Oc IGT

Founded in 1995, Calmel & Joseph is a trading house specializing in Languedoc-Roussillon wines from private wineries from across the region. Over the years, they have built close personal relationships with a large number of growers from all appellations.

Convinced of the extraordinary potential of this region, oenologist, Laurent Calmel, and Jerome Joseph work together on the vinification, blending and ageing of wines with the common purpose of demonstrating the little known yet unique quality of these Mediterranean terroirs.