Wine Guide
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The white Bourgogne
Bourgogne is known worldwide for the quality of its various wines, including the white Bourgogne. The latter reflects itself in 100 different quality wines from this region.
White Bourgogne is a white wine that is part of the category of non-sparkling wines. This sort of wine is mainly produced in the regions Chablis, Côte de Nuits, Côte Chalonnaise, Côte de Beaune and Macon. This sort of white wine also has the label of European Protected Designation of Origin.
White Bourgogne, well-known worldwide, is appreciated for its quality and unique characteristics that please the mouth effectivily. This white wine is mainly produced from the Chardonnay grape and seldom from the Pinot Blanc. Winegrowers produce clear wines with a light note of hazelnut and fresh butter and aromas including acacia and hawthorn. These white wines contribute to the reconsideration of the quality of the Chardonnay grape. The white wines from Bourgogne are a must for the kitchen as well as for the table. These wines are complex and cause an ecstasy in the taste palate.
These dry white wines, with a nice greasiness, are excellent as aperitive as well as accompaniment with cheeses like Brie, Beaufort, Gruyère and above all goat cheese. Besides, fish and seafood are its best allies in the kitchen.